About Breath Beads
Breath Beads
More breathful moments
Building personal wellness through easily accessible wearables and life changing customized breath content.
365 Breath Beads
3 times a day
6 breaths per minute
5 minute practice
Every Day!
One Bead = One Breath
Resonant Breathing Rhythm:
5 second inhale + 5 second exhale
How to use Breath Beads
1. How to breathe better
2. Add a breath meditation
3. Understand why
God-Filled Moments Devotional now available on Amazon!
Add a breath meditation
Using Breath Beads
The 365 Breath Beads model is designed to be used three times per day, six breaths per minute, for a five minute duration. Each bracelet has 30 beads. First locate the unique finish bead. Begin one position to the right of this bead by holding it between two fingers. You can either continue to wear the bracelet and hold the bead with the opposite hand or you can take the bracelet off and pinch a bead between your thumb and index finger. Each bead is designed to represent one breath cycle: a five second inhalation and a five second exhalation. With each breath cycle, move your fingers to the next bead and around the bracelet until you complete the circle at the finish bead.
This is the resonant breathing pattern designed to optimize your heart rhythms and bring your body systems into coherence. You can practice this pace by slowly counting in your head “one-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand, four-one thousand, five-one thousand” or by using a free metronome app set to 12 beats per minute. One beat for an inhale and one beat for an exhale. This will feel strange to your body at first! Remember, we usually breathe at 2-3x this rate when our bodies are at rest. Slow breathing takes practice. It will get easier with time. As you practice Breath Beads, it’s okay if you don’t achieve this rhythm perfectly as long as you find a pace that’s slower than normal. For more tips and options on breathing rhythms, see the following section on “Breathing.”
You’ll notice that every sixth bead is differentiated by size, shape, or texture. This indicates one minute of breath prayers. If you don’t have a full five minutes, try for 6 breaths or 1 minute. This is still a victory! Breathe at a stoplight; breathe on the toilet; breathe while waiting in line; breathe during a meeting. The more repetitions you get in a day, the more Positive Breathing will become natural, desired, and healthy. The 365 model acts as a timer that can be used with your eyes closed, such as when trying to fall asleep, or discreetly with your hands in your lap.
A key to health…
More on the health benefits of breathing better
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