Here is the central motivation to breath prayers and our mission of breath breads. It starts with a wholeness of self: emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well-being that overflows to those around you for the purpose loving and bringing glory to God; because you love Him; because He loved you first.
Breath Prayers use a scripture verse and take the heart of the message in a simple and concise inhalation phrase and exhalation phrase.
Using the 365 breath beads, prayer is said in the rhythm of your breath and repeated 30 times around the beads. Oh, the impact of praying scripture and coming into alignment with the will of God is a powerfuI way to pray, indeed!
Since speaking aloud and singing are performed only during the exhalation phase of breath, breath prayers are performed silently from your heart with your mind.
I know sometimes when I pray, I don’t always feel it or believe it, especially at first. It can take time and repetition for my heart and mind to come on board and in alignment with God’s will. That doesn’t always mean I get what I want, it’s accepting and believing what God has is best, because He is good.
The repetition of breath prayers also helps with persistence in prayer. Sometimes God wants us to stay faithful and keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking. It is the persistent neighbor knocking on his neighbor’s door at midnight that finally has it be opened to receive bread for his guests. Breath Beads will help you knock 30 times and then some!
Breath prayers with the use of Breath Beads gives us a tool and method to experience the physical act of breathing better to apply the spiritual discipline of prayer to shape our hearts and minds for the sanctification and glorification of The LORD.
The heart is the strongest oscillatory organ in the body. Breathing is an access point to tend our hearts by training our heart rhythms. The heart acts as a central messenger towards the whole body by sending chemical, electrical, physical and magnetic signals throughout.
By meditating on scripture, the concept of Positive Breathing is applied to breath prayers when the emotional, mental, and spiritual components all come together. The healing benefits of breath prayer may be beyond comprehension!
This is how Jesus finishes his conversation with the man who asked what is the most important commandment. When Jesus saw the revelatory understanding within the student, he replied, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” I don’t know about you, but I want to be near and experience the kingdom of God in all its glory. So let’s be whole to fully immerse ourselves in the love of God and loving those around us to fulfill the greatest commandment.