Deployment for Devotion
Certainly we are still married when our spouse deploys, but we are in this special interim not mentioned in scripture where we are physically distanced from our spouse. And if you’re a parent, you’re also now operating under solo parenting, which is not the ideal family design (trust me I know!)
But let’s consider this, when our spouse deploys, we have a unique opportunity with less daily demands of, “pleasing our husband,” on our plate. I say less, because I’m writing a whole book on making the season of deployment the Best Deployment Ever and this involves a great deal of preparation and intentionality for loving your spouse and caring for your household before, during, and after deployment.
So while deployment puts more on my plate with solo parenting and carrying the entire burden of household management, (anyone want to take out my trash or do the yard work for me? Wink, wink), I actually have more time in my day. The mornings are quiet before my children wake and the evenings are empty when I don’t have my spouse to converse with while he’s away.
So after the kids are cared for, the dog is fed and the house is cleaned - what shall I do with this extra time? Will I drink a bottle of wine and binge on Netflix?
Or will I invite a younger girl friend over for tea and chocolate? I might sneak in a relaxing bath some nights, but other nights I should write my book, or call a friend, or write a thank you note.
When you’re married, you’re married for your whole long life, God-willing. Deployment opens this interesting window of opportunity that allows me to have more alone time, and how shall I make good use of it? I will rest, nourish my soul, and bless my community. There’s no, “whoa is me,” victimhood mentality here. This is a season for more devotion to the Lord.
Yes, it’s going to be hard. I will walk through the toughness with Jesus and choose to also see His goodness.
Now, it’s only week one, but I’m writing as I’m going. Pray for me in this season to be a living testimony.
Keep an eye out for my upcoming book, The Best Deployment Ever in my Breathful Moments Series.
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