
More Breathful Moments

with Positive Breathing

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Breathful Moments Devotional now available on Amazon!

Breath Beads Experiences

  • “I was having a pretty uncomfortable headache day and I paused and sat down at work and did the breathing exercise and I feel the best I have all day!”


  • “Breath Beads definitey helps to calm my mind and reduce my heart rate. Breathing better has also helped reduce my stress and improve my pelvic health goals.”

    -Rachel Active Duty National Guard

  • “I’ve been using the breath beads a lot lately. It’s super helpful before I’m about to brief to settle my heart rate. I think it’s really helpful cardiovascular training leading up to an ACFT.”

    -Dave Active Duty Army

  • My Breath Beads have been an absolute God-send throughout the day but especially for sleep! I was absolutely amazed that prayerful meditations accompanied by focused breathing resulted in sometimes falling asleep in minutes. No exaggeration, sleep within minutes! And during the day just a glance at my beads with prayerful breathing results in a peaceful reset of my heart, mind, and soul. Thanks Dr Mac!!!

    -Rick Recovery Coach

  • “My 11 year old son has struggled with anxiety since age 5. Seeing him be able to take control of his anxiety (before it takes control of him) with the breath beads has been such a blessing to watch. He uses the beads with wording from his favorite Bible verse and seeing the calm that overcomes him during that time makes this mama’s heart so happy.”


  • Helped me during my several flight cancellations to hold my breath beads in my hand and breathe around the circle so I didn’t get worked up. Taking me 3 days to get to my destination but I didn’t hyperventilate or even hold my breath once :)


  • My favorite moment using breath beads was during my third child’s fast and furious birth! I had been practicing a breath prayer: Inhale: “When I am weak” Exhale: “You are strong” in the days leading up to my son’s birth. Repeating it over and over during the extremely intense contractions and even in between them helped keep my focus on God’s power shining when I am in my weakest moments. Now in my sleep-deprived postpartum state, I need these breath prayers more than ever!! Thank you for this beautiful tool to bring me closer to the Lord and remind me of His endless grace especially now when I am struggling with lack of sleep! He is my ultimate provider and sustainer, I need only to rest in Him. Thank you for this huge blessing in my life!!


Share your Breathful Moments experience!

Tell us how Breath Beads, breath meditations, or breath prayers have been influential for you!